Meet Kelly

About Me!

Hello Sister, I am very glad to meet you here. My name is Kelly Arena and I am first and foremost a child of God. My life has been marked by various physical difficulties including a rare genetic disability diagnosed when I was twelve years old that results in chronic pain. I feel humbled and fortunate that my various physical and emotional ailments have only deepened my personal relationship with the Lord, and He has drawn my heart closer to His.

After tragically losing a friend who struggled with a chronic illness, and befriending many, many ladies over the years who have chronic conditions, my heart began stirring towards this unique group of Christians.

In high school, I became fascinated with public speaking and joined the NCFCA (National Christian Forensics & Communication Association) where I had the opportunity to compete in speech on the national level. My favorite speech from that time, “Choose Gratitude,” shared the reasons to be grateful even in the midst of chronic pain, and has touched hundreds of lives


Maddy dog

In college, I received a Bachelor's degree in Communication, taking speech classes and Bible taking speech and Bible classes in order to learn effective communication of the Gospel through speech and written word.

I live in central Florida with my amazing husband, Jarrett and our two dogs. I am a certified John Maxwell Team speaker, a member of Compel, and a writer for Wholehearted Quiet Time. My greatest desire is to encourage the suffering and point people back to Jesus.

Almost a decade after my speech “Choose Gratitude” was written and shared dozens and dozens of times, I am excited to finally step out in faith and begin From Weary To Worship Ministries. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

With Love & Gratitude,